
My Finance - A Desktop Application for Financial Record

Duration: May 2024 - July 2024

A desktop application based on Python using the Tkinter GUI and MySQL database for recording and managing personal finances. With features for transaction logging, category management, and financial reporting, users can easily and efficiently track their financial flow.

Skills: Python, Tkinter, MySQL, Figma, User Interface Design

My Finance - A Desktop Application for Financial Record

SHIP-ALERT (Smart Hazard Identification Protocol)

Duration: April 2024 - August 2024

An IoT device that uses the ESP8266 as a microcontroller and LoRa as a communication module. The purpose of this device is to send emergency signals when fishermen encounter emergencies at sea and do not have network access to contact their relatives.

Skills: Internet of Things (IoT), Microcontrollers

SHIP-ALERT (Smart Hazard Identification Protocol)

Analysis and Prediction of Stock Prices Using LSTM

Duration: September 2023 - December 2023

This project leverages the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm to analyze and predict stock price movements, using TensorFlow and Keras in Python to process and train historical stock data.

Skills: Python, Algorithms, TensorFlow, Keras, pandas

Analysis and Prediction of Stock Prices Using LSTM

E-Labventory - A Desktop Application for Laboratory Inventory Management

Duration: September 2023 - December 2023

A desktop application based on Java using Java Swing GUI and MySQL database for managing inventory in a computer lab.

Skills: Java, MySQL, Figma, User Interface Design, Databases

E-Labventory - A Desktop Application for Laboratory Inventory Management

GROWFII - "Grow With Fun, Interactive, and Insightful"

Duration: February 2023 - June 2023

An Android-based Augmented Reality project designed as a learning medium for elementary schools, developed with Unity and C#.

Skills: Augmented Reality (AR), Unity, C#, Blender, Databases